Hydropathic Analysis of the Non-covalent Interactions between Molecular Subunits of
Structurally Characterized Hemoglobins. D.J. Abraham, G.E. Kellogg, J. M. Holt, and G. K. Ackers,
J. Mol. Biol. 1997, 272, 613-632.
Utilization of a 3D QSAR Methodology for Data Mining the National Cancer
Institute Respository of Small Molecules in Application to HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibition.
R. Gussio, N. Pattabiraman, G.E. Kellogg, D.W. Zaharevitz, Methods 1998, 14, 255-263.
Identification and Hydropathic Characterization of Structural Features Affecting
Sequence Selectivity for Doxorubicin Intercalation into DNA Double-Stranded Polynucleotides. G.E. Kellogg,
J.N. Scarsdale, and F.A. Fornari, Nucl. Acids Res. 1998, 26, 4721-4732.
Computational Methodology for Estimating Changes in Free Energes of Biomolecular
Associations Upon Mutation. The Importance of Bound Water in Dimer-Tetramer Assembly for
Structure-based Design Modifications of the Paullone Molecular Scaffold for Cyclin-dependent
Kinase Inhibition. R. Gussio, D.W. Zaharevitz, C.F. McGrath, N. Pattabiraman, G.E. Kellogg,
C. Schultz, A. Link, C. Kunick, M. Loest, L. Meijer and E.A. Sausville, Anti-Cancer Drug Des.
2000, 15, 53-66.
HINT Predictive Analysis of Binding between Retinol Binding Protein and Hydrophobic
Ligands. A. Marabotti, L. Balestreri, P. Cozzini, A. Mozzarelli, G.E. Kellogg and D.J. Abraham,
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2000, 10, 2129-2132.
Hydrophobicity: Is LogPo/w More than the Sum of its Parts? G.E.
Kellogg and D.J. Abraham, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2000, 35, 651-661.
Computationally Accessible Method for Estimating Free Energy Changes Resulting
from Site-Specific Mutations of Biomolecules: Systematic Model Building and Structural/Hydropathic
Analysis of Deoxy and Oxy Hemoglobins. J.C. Burnett, P. Botti, D.J. Abraham and G.E. Kellogg,
Proteins: Struct. Funct. Genet. 2001, 42, 355-357.
Which Aminoglycoside Ring is Most Important for Binding? A Hydropathic
Analysis of Gentamicin, Paromomycin, and Analogues. D.J. Cashman, J.P. Rife and G.E. Kellogg,
Biorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2001, 11, 119-122.
Very Empirical Treatment of Solvation and
Entropy: A Force Field Derived from LogPo/w. G.E. Kellogg, J.C. Burnett and D.J. Abraham,
J. Computer-Aided Mol. Design (Persp. Drug Discov. Design) 2001, 15, 381-393.
37 Mutant Hemoglobins. J.C. Burnett, G.E. Kellogg and
D.J. Abraham, Biochemistry 2000, 39, 1622-1633.
For further information contact:
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