Program automatically creates the function from an entered raw data range and dynamic range. If the range of activity (Raw Activity-Strong - Raw Activity-Weak) is on the order of the Dynamic Range, the created equation wil be linear; otherwise it will be created from a logarithmic equation of activity. The equation is constructed such that Raw Activity-Weak will be transformed to the functionalized activity of 1.00 and Raw Activity-Strong will be transformed to the functionalized activity of the value of, "Dynamic Range".
User provides a menu of Functional Forms that can be applied to the raw activity to generate the LockSmith functionalized activity.
None is used if the raw activity is to be used.
-Activity is used if only the mathematical sign of the activity is to be changed.
log Activity takes the log10 of the Activity.
-log Activity takes the sign-inverted log10 of the Activity.
Activity **2 takes the square of the Activity.
(log Activity)**2 squares the log10 of the Activity.
(-log Activity)**2 squares the sign-inverted log10 of the Activity.