eduSoft, LC License Key Installation
The eduSoft, LC license manager program creates a simple ASCII text
"key" that encodes your computer information, key expiration date,
and software product information. This data is then read by the
eduSoft program (hint!®, Molconn-Z, or HASL) at certain points to verify
your right to use the software.
NOTE: Starting with the 4.12 and 3.12 versions license
names now end in "2" for example, molconnz to molconnz2 and hinttoolkit hinttoolkit2.
The keys are maintained in the directory [install_root] (for Windows version
of Molconn-Z, HINT), [install_root]/license (for UNIX versions of Molconn-Z, HINT),
and [install_root]/tklicense (for all Toolkit versions). Each product has a
separate file name and a dummy example file is included that starts "x.".
However each product can have more than one entry, e.g., for multiple computers.
If there is a network license combined with one or more node licenses that have
special attributes, e.g., the Daylight Toolkit option, place the node license(s)
above the network license in the license file.
Information from the computer to create a license is obtained in different ways
depending on the operating system. For Windows, LINUX, SUN and Mac OSX you must obtain
a program from our website Electronic
License Request and Computer Info Page(host_win.exe, hostid_linux, hosid_solaris
or hostid_macosx). Despite the similarity in name, these are UNIQUE programs that
MUST be obtained from EduSoft. In addition, we will need the "hostname" for all
UNIX computers as reported by /bin/hostname. For SGI/IRIX computers the "hostid"
is obtained from the command /etc/sysinfo -s.
Specific Instructions
- License for HINT 2.35I. Replace the contents of $EDUSOFT_ROOT/eslc/license/x.HintLicenseI.dat with the new license key. Rename x.HintLicenseI.dat to HintLicenseI.dat.
- License for HINTLOGP 3.12 (standalone version).
- unix-type. Replace the contents of $EDUSOFT_ROOT/hintlogp3.12/license/x.HintLogPLicense.dat with the new license key. Rename x.HintLogPLicense.dat to HintLogPLicense.dat.
- Windows. In the C:\eduSoft\hintlogp3.12_win2k\ directory, replace the contents of x.LICENSE.DAT with the new license key(using a text editor like Wordpad). Rename x.LICENSE.DAT to LICENSE.DAT. (See below to add the Molconn-Z license key environment to the Windows system.
License for Molconn-Z 4.12 (standalone version).
- unix-type. Replace the contents of $EDUSOFT_ROOT/molconnz4.12/license/x.MolconnZLicense.dat with the new license key. Rename x.MolconnZLicense.dat to MolconnZLicense.dat.
- Windows. In the C:\eduSoft\molconnz4.12_win2k\ directory, replace the contents of x.LICENSE.DAT with the new license key(using a text editor like Wordpad). Rename x.LICENSE.DAT to LICENSE.DAT. (See below to add the Molconn-Z license key environment to the Windows system.
License for Molconn-Z Developers Toolkit 4.12.
- unix-type and Windows. Replace the contents of $EDUSOFT_ROOT/mcztoolkit4.12/license/x.MolconnzToolkitLicense.dat with the new license key. Rename x.MolconnzToolkitLicense.dat to MolconnzToolkitLicense.dat.
(See below to add the Molconn-Z license key environment to the Windows system.
License for HASL 4.01S. Replace the contents of $EDUSOFT_ROOT/eslc/license/x.HASLLicenseS.dat with the new license key. Rename x.HASLLicenseS.dat to HASLLicenseS.dat.
Daylight Toolkit License for HINT or Molconn-Z. Either a) copy your Daylight license to
$EDUSOFT_ROOT/mcztoolkit4.12/license/DayLicense.dat, b) link (ln -s) this file to your Daylight
license, or c) change the pointers in the appropriate cshrc and/or profile file in $EDUSOFT_ROOT/mcztoolkit4.12/lib/
to the current location of your Daylight license.
Setting the License Environmental Variable in Windows
Define the location of the Molconn-Z license using Windows environmental variables:
Define the location of the HintLogP license using Windows environmental variables:
- For Windows2000® or WindowsXP®: To set this value select the system icon from the control panel, then select the Environment Variables button located on the Advanced tab. Select New from the system variables to create this variable (note you may need to reboot).
- For WindowsVista® : To set this value select Start, RIGHT click on computer, LEFT click on properties, click on Advanced System Settings (on the left side, you will then need to OK the permission to continue), select the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables and the follow the similar instructions for WindowsXP.
- For Windows95, Windows98 or WindowsME®: add a line
set HINT2_LICENSE=C:\eduSoft\hintlogp3.12_win2k\LICENSE.DAT
to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.