eduSoft, LC License Key Installation

The eduSoft, LC license manager program creates a simple ASCII text "key" that encodes your computer information, key expiration date, and software product information. This data is then read by the eduSoft program (hint!®, Molconn-Z, Zap or HASL) at certain points to verify your right to use the software.

The keys are maintained in the directory /usr/eduSoft/eslc/license/ in separate files for each product. However each product can have more than one entry, e.g., for multiple computers. If there is a network license combined with one or more node licenses that have special attributes, e.g., the Daylight Toolkit option, place the node license(s) above the network license in the license file.


Specific Instructions

Setting the License Environmental Variable in Windows

Define the location of the Molconn-Z license using Windows environmental variables: MCONN_LICENSE=C:\eduSoft\mcztoolkit4.10_win2k\license\MolconnzToolkitLicense.dat.