Command Overview

This chapter contains detailed descriptions of the InsightII user interface for each new command available within the Hint2.30I module and added by Hint2.30Di. This chapter is organized in approximately the order you may use the commands while performing a Hint Study, first by pulldown and then by command. To find information on a particular command look first for its pulldown and then for the command. Each command section is illustrated by a depiction of the associated parameter block. The Grid pulldown is not described here, it is functionally identical to the Grid pulldown in other InsightII modules such as DelPhi.

As with InsightII, Hint commands are organized in a hierarchy. At the top of the organization are the modules, next are the pulldowns, and at the bottom of the hierarchy are the commands.


Hint is one of several optional modules available in addition to the InsightII core modules. The modules typically included with InsightII are Viewer, Biopolymer, Builder, Docking, Ampac/Mopac, Discover, and Analysis. Each module is comprised of pulldowns with related commands.


Next in the command hierarchy, below modules, are pulldowns. When a particular module is selected, the lower menu bar displays the pulldowns associated with that module. The Setup pulldown, for example, is a set of all commands used in the setup of a Hint calculation.

When you are in the Hint module, seven pulldowns are available on the lower menu bar: Partition, Setup, HintGrid, Grid, HintTable, Archive Functions, and LockSmith.


Below pulldowns in the command hierarchy are the commands. For example, the Setup pulldown contains the commands: Grid, HINT DistFunct, Grid_Molecule, Grid_Interactions, Grid_Complement, HintTable and Hint_Spreadsheet.

The remainder of this section, organized by pulldown, briefly describes the functionality of each pulldown and its associated commands. For a more detailed explanation of a particular command refer to Command Descriptions (Chapter 5 in this manual).


The Partition pulldown contains commands to "Partition" molecules (and SMILES strings for Hint2.2Di users). A molecule's partition is the LogP for octanol/water solubility. This number which has significance on its own for Medicinal Chemistry and drug design is reported by the Partition commands. In addition, Partitioning assigns Hint parameters to molecules for HintGrid, HintTable, and LockSmith calculations.


The Partition Molecule command calculates Hint hydropathic parameters for InsightII molecule objects. These parameters are necessary for further Hint calculations. Each partition operation yields the LogP for octanol/water partitioning (hydrophobicity) which is reported by the command.

View Parameters View Molecule Partition Parameter Block

SMILES (Hint2.30Di only)

The Partition SMILES command calculates LogP for octanol/water partitioning (hydrophobicity) for SMILES strings entered from the keyboard or from disk files.

View Parameters View SMILES Partition Parameter Block


The Setup pulldown contains commands which define the Hint grid and table calculation parameters. Execution of commands in the HintGrid and HintTable pulldowns retrieves and utilizes the Setup parameter values.


The Setup Grid command defines and displays the the 3-dimensional grid used in the Hint calculation. There are three basic quantities which must be specified to define the grid: the Grid Center which defines the coordinates around which the grid is centered, Grid Size which defines the total distance (in Angstroms) spanned by the grid, and Grid Resolution which refers to the distance between neighboring grid points.

View Parameters View Grid Setup Parameter Block

Distance Function

Parameters in the Setup Distance Function command control the functional form of the HINT calculation with respect to distance between atoms (for HintTable calculations) or between atoms and grid points (for Map calculations).

View Parameters View Distance Function Setup Parameter Block


The Setup Grid_Molecule command defines the parameters necessary for creation of a Hint Hydropathic field grid that maps the 3D hydropathy of the molecule. After the parameters are set in this command, the next step is to use the Molecule command in the HintGrid pulldown.

View Parameters View Grid_Molecule Setup Parameter Block


The Setup Grid_Interactions command defines the parameters necessary for creation of a Hint Interaction grid. This type of HintGrid allows the visualization of the non-covalent interactions within (IntraMolecular) or between (InterMolecular) molecule(s). In Hint interaction maps the spatial region between interacting atoms or groups is encoded with the type and relative importance of the interaction. After the parameters are set in this command, the next step is to use the IntraMolecular or InterMolecular commands in the HintGrid pulldown.

View Parameters View Grid_Interactions Setup Parameter Block


The Setup Grid_Complement command defines the parameters necessary for creation of a Hint Complement grid. This type of HintGrid allows the extrapolation/visualization of the 3D hydropathic structure of an unknown species proposed to be binding to an existing molecule. One example of this would be to identify the characteristics of a "key" molecule to fit a known receptor. After the parameters are set in this command, the next step is to use the Complement command in the HintGrid pulldown.

View Parameters View Grid_Complement Setup Parameter Block


The Setup HintTable command contains the parameters for both InterMolecular and IntraMolecular HintTable calculations. Briefly, a HintTable is a listing of atom-atom interactions between (or within) a molecule characterized by type and summarized by a score. The HintTable is a useful diagnostic tool for investigations of ligand binding, protein folding, or subunit interactions. After the Setup HintTable command is completed, the next step is IntraMolecular or InterMolecular in the HintTable pulldown.

View Parameters View HintTable Setup Parameter Block


The Setup Hint_Spreadsheet adds the necessary column headings and properties to a new insightII Spreadsheet for use in Hint calculations. Currently these spreadsheets can be used in the HintTable InterMolecular command and with the IntraMolecular and InterMolecular Table options of the Archive Functions pulldown.

View Parameters View Hint_Spreadsheet Setup Parameter Block


The Setup Ligand_Optimization command contains the parameters for small molecule ligand position/orientation optimizations using the Hint Score as a force-field. The actual ligand optimization command is under the HintTable pulldown as, in effect, this operation is actually a series of HintTable calculations driven by a score optimization algorithm.

View Parameters View Ligand_Optimization Setup Parameter Block


The HintGrid pulldown contains the commands to execute the Hint map creation for Molecules, InterMolecular and IntraMolecular interactions, for Complementary species, and to calculate difference maps from two input maps.


The Molecule HintGrid command creates a Hint hydropathic field map of the molecule. Regions of hydrophobicity, basicity, and acidity can be identified. This calculation can be fairly time consuming for a large molecule where it may be advisable to run the calculation in the background, but is generally very quick for small molecules where interactive mode may be preferred.

View Parameters View Molecule HintGrid Parameter Block


The InterMolecular HintGrid command creates a Hint Interaction map representing the non- covalent interactions between atoms in two distinct molecular entities. This may be between two protein subunits, between a enzyme and its substrate, or etc. The resulting map allows graphical visualization of favorable and unfavorable regions of binding between the species. The algorithm compares, pairwise, atoms in both species for each defined grid point in the map. Thus it usually is advisable to run this type of map calculation in the background.

View Parameters View InterMolecular HintGrid Parameter Block


The IntraMolecular HintGrid command creates a Hint Interaction map representing the non- covalent interactions between atoms in a single molecular entity. One example of this calculation would be in the study of protein folding. The resulting map allows graphical visualization of favorable and unfavorable regions of binding within the species. The algorithm compares, pairwise, atoms in the molecule (excluding i=j, i bonded to j, and i-x-j 1-3 interactions) for each defined grid point in the map. Thus it usually is advisable to run this type of map calculation in the background.

View Parameters View IntraMolecular HintGrid Parameter Block


The Complementary HintGrid command calculates a projected hydropathic map of a unknown "complementary" species based on the structure and hydropathic species of a known species. Another terminology would be to refer to the complementary map as a "key" map if the known species is a receptor.

View Parameters View Complementary HintGrid Parameter Block


The Difference HintGrid command allows you to add or subtract two HintGrid maps to obtain a third grid. In the case of subtraction the second grid is subtracted from the first. The resulting difference grid can be used to determine regions where there is enhanced hydropathic character if the two input maps are Molecule or Complementary. If the two input maps are InterMolecular or IntraMolecular maps the effects of molecular changes such as site-directed mutagenesis (with respect to non-covalent interactions affecting stability) between the two molecules can be examined. Note that this algorithm requires that the two molecules have the same orientation and that they be aligned with respect to a common coordinate system.

View Parameters View Difference HintGrid Parameter Block


The HintTable pulldown contains the commands to execute the Hint interaction table creation for InterMolecular and IntraMolecular interactions and for Scoring DOCK results with Hint (which is a special case of InterMolecular HintTable).


The InterMolecular HintTable command executes the creation of a table listing all or a subset of the atom-atom interactions between two molecular entities. Each interaction is scored in terms of the Hint hydropathic model. The command characterizes each interaction and summarizes the total interaction score in terms of interaction types.

View Parameters View InterMolecular HintTable Parameter Block


The IntraMolecular HintTable command executes the creation of a table listing all or a subset of the (1-4 and higher order) atom-atom interactions within a molecular entity. Each interaction is scored in terms of the Hint hydropathic model. The command characterizes each interaction and summarizes the total interaction score in terms of interaction types.

View Parameters View IntraMolecular HintTable Parameter Block


The InterMolecular HintTable command executes the creation of a table listing all or a subset of the atom-atom interactions between two molecular entities. Each interaction is scored in terms of the Hint hydropathic model. The command characterizes each interaction and summarizes the total interaction score in terms of interaction types.

View Parameters View Ligand_Optimization HintTable Parameter Block

Archive Functions

The Archive Functions pulldown contains the commands to operate on Biosym Archive files sequentially, whether to analyze a dynamics trajectory, or to characterize multiple orientations from a DOCK run. In general these commands are similar to the analogous HintTable or HintGrid commands that operate on only a single conformation. They require the same Setup sequence with the addition of Setup Hint_Spreadsheet if you are planning to use a insightII spreadsheet to record the results for Table calculations. These functions are automated in such a way that all frames of a Archive can be rapidly examined to create either HintTable or HintGrid results.

InterMolecular Tbl

The Archive Function InterMolecular Tbl command executes the creation of tables listing all or a subset of the atom-atom interactions between two molecular entities for each frame of an Archive file. Each interaction is scored in terms of the Hint hydropathic model. The command characterizes each interaction and summarizes the total interaction score in terms of interaction types.

View Parameters View InterMolecular Tbl Archive Function Parameter Block

IntraMolecular Tbl

The Archive Function IntraMolecular Tbl command executes the creation of tables listing all or a subset of the (1-4 and higher order) atom-atom interactions within a molecular entity for each frame of an Archive file. Each interaction is scored in terms of the Hint hydropathic model. The command characterizes each interaction and summarizes the total interaction score in terms of interaction types.

View Parameters View IntraMolecular Tbl Archive Function Parameter Block

InterMolecular Grd

The Archive Function InterMolecular Grd command executes the creation of grid files displaying the atom-atom interactions between two molecular entities for each frame of an Archive file. Each interaction is scored on an interaction grid in terms of the Hint hydropathic model.

View Parameters View InterMolecular Grd Archive Function Parameter Block

IntraMolecular Grd

The Archive Function IntraMolecular Grd command executes the creation of grid files displaying all or a subset of the (1-4 and higher order) atom-atom interactions within a molecular entity. Each interaction is scored on an interaction grid in terms of the Hint hydropathic model.

View Parameters View IntraMolecular Grd Archive Function Parameter Block

Molecule Grd

The Archive Function Molecule Grd command creates Hint hydropathic field map of the molecules in the Archive. Regions of hydrophobicity, basicity, and acidity can be identified.

View Parameters View Molecule Grd Archive Function Parameter Block

Complementary Grd

The Archive Function Complementary Grd command calculates projected hydropathic maps of unknown "complementary" species based on the structure and hydropathic species of a known species in the Archive. Another terminology would be to refer to the complementary map as a "key" map if the known species is a receptor.

View Parameters View Complementary Grd Archive Function Parameter Block


The LockSmith pulldown contains commands associated with the LockSmith 3D QSAR method. The LockSmith QSAR model is still under development. It is provided as a part of Hint2.0I as a potential useful modeling tool for interested users. Later versions of Hint may include enhancements to LockSmith. In the LockSmith method 3D hydropathic maps of molecules that are assumed to have the same type of activity and to bind at the same receptor site are combined to produce an activity-weighted consensus map. The relation between this LockSmith map and the component maps/biological activities yields a form of QSAR equation relating activity to 3D hydropathic structure that can be used to model the activity of new, unmeasured compounds.

The basic steps in creating a LockSmith model are: 1) creating molecular models for the collection of molecules; 2) overlapping the molecules in some rational way that emphasizes the commonalities of pharmacophores, etc.; 3) creating HintGrid Molecule maps for each compound; 4) Open the LockSmith model; 5) Define the LockSmith Activity algorithm; 6) Include molecules (and molecule maps) in the model; and 7) Close the model with Make Model. New molecules can be evaluated with Predict.


The LockSmith Open command initiates the LockSmith program by opening a new model or reading an existing model from disk file. In the former case, the new model is developed by Including molecules. Preexisting models that are read from disk files can only be used to Predict the activity of new compounds.

View Parameters View Open LockSmith Parameter Block


The Include command contains the parameters for adding a molecule (through its HintGrid) to the developing LockSmith model. Each included HintGrid hydropathic map must be on the same grid dimensions. As molecules are added to the model the LockSmith activity-weighted consensus hydropathic map is refined and a structure-activity relationship amongst the included molecules is developed. After all molecules have been added to the model, the Make Model command should be executed to complete the model.

View Parameters View Include LockSmith Parameter Block


The Activity command sets up the relationship between the measured molecular activity and the functionalized activity used in the LockSmith model. LockSmith requires that 1) molecules have nonzero activity, 2) that "more active" molecules have activities higher than "less active" molecules, and 3) that the dynamic range of activity be on the order of one or two orders of magnitude.. This command generates an equation relating measured activity to an activity scale meeting these requirements that is termed the functionalized activity.

View Parameters View Activity LockSmith Parameter Block

Make Model

The LockSmith Make Model command creates a QSAR equation from the relationship between each molecule's HintGrid map to the LockSmith consensus map fit (least squares) to the biological activity for each molecule. The model can then be used to Predict the activity of molecules not included in the original learning set by comparing their 3D hydropathic structure to that of the consensus map.

View Parameters View Make Model LockSmith Parameter Block


The LockSmith Predict command contains the parameters to predict the activity of a new compound from an existing LockSmith model. The new molecule should be aligned in a chemically meaningful way with the molecules in the model learning set. The input to the model is the HintGrid map of the molecule, which should be created with the same options as the maps used to construct the model.

View Parameters View Predict LockSmith Parameter Block

Put Model

The LockSmith Put Model command writes the selected LockSmith activity model to disk files. The model consists of two parts and two disk files: 1) the LockSmith activity-weighted hydropathic consensus map of the learning set molecules, and 2) equations relating the activities to the 3D maps.

View Parameters View Put Model LockSmith Parameter Block

SMILESBuilder (2.30IDi only)

The SMILES pulldown contains commands associated with Hint2.30Di. These commands allow the use of SMILES line notation as input to the InsightII Builder module. SMILES is briefly described in the Theory Chapter. A complete description is in Weiniger, D. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1988, 28, 31. Note that the Biosym Sketcher license is required to create 3D molecule objects from SMILES strings.


The Edit SMILES command contains the parameters for entering a SMILES string from the keyboard. Execution of this command creates both an InsightII 2D SMILES object and an (undisplayed) Daylight Toolkit molecule object. Note that the 2D SMILES object is indistinguishable from a Sketch 2D object and can be manipulated with Sketcher commands. To create a 3D molecule object, use the 3D Convert command in the Sketcher pulldown of the Builder module.

View Parameters View Edit SMILES Parameter Block


The Get SMILES command contains the parameters necessary to retrieve SMILES strings from disk files. Execution of this command creates both InsightII 2D SMILES objects and Daylight Toolkit molecule objects. Note that a 2D SMILES object is indistinguishable from a Sketch 2D object and can be manipulated with Sketcher commands. To create a 3D molecule object, use the 3D Convert command in the Sketcher pulldown of the Builder module.

View Parameters View Get SMILES Parameter Block

View Get SMILES Parameter Block


The Put SMILES command contains parameters for creating and writing to disk file 2D SMILES objects created from InsightII molecule objects.

View Parameters View Put SMILES Parameter Block